by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach
Here’s a list of Health & Wellness Days for May, 2017.
Here’s a link to the Intro for this blog post series, a.k.a the #BeTheChange Almanac.
Here’s a link to January, February, March and April.
Also, clear here to join our Health Awareness Days LinkedIn group and never miss a day!
Hopefully, these Awareness Days will inspire you to discover your life’s purpose and pitch in where you can.
Spread the awareness and share!
May is the Awareness Month For:
- Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month (MedicAlert Canada)
- #AsthmaandAllergyAwarenessMonth, #asthma, #allergies, #MedicAlert, #health, #May, #cure, #awareness
- Birthflowers of the Month include: Hawthorne, Lily of the Valley
- #birthflower, #flower, #Hawthorne, #lilyofthevalley, #spring, #May
- Birthstones of the Month include: Agate, Beryl, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Saffire
- #birthstones, #crystals, #gemstone, #jewelry, #Agate, #beryl, #YELLOWBERYL, #Chrysoprase, #emerald, #saffire, #saphire
- Celiac Awareness Month
- #CeliacAwarenessMonth, #glutenfree, #celiac, #gluten, #celiacdisease, #gf
- Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
- #CysticFibrosisAwarenessMonth, #CureCF, #cysticfibrosis
- Food Allergy Awareness Month
- #FoodAllergyAwarenessMonth, #foodallergy, #peanuts, #glutenfree, #anaphylaxis, #allergy, #foodallergies, #peanutallergy, #celiac
- Foot Health Awareness Month
- #FootHealthAwarenessMonth, #Podiatrists, #heelrelief, #plantarfascitiis, (sic) #pedicure, #nails, #pedi, #feet, #prettyfeet, #nailcare, #spa, #massage, #toes
- Hepatitis Awareness Month
- #HepatitisAwarenessMonth, #HepAware, #hepatitis, #KnowUrStatus, #KnowHepatitis, #HepTestingDay, #HepC, #GetTested
- Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month
- #HuntingtonsDiseaseAwarenessMonth, #HuntingtonsDisease, #hdawareness, #HD, #CureHD, #huntingtondisease, #awareness
- Lyme Disease Awareness Month
- #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth, #LymeDisease, #lymediseasechallenge, #Lyme, #lymeawareness, #lymediseaseawareness, #compoundpharmacy, #awareness, #WeMustFindACure, #TickTalk
- Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month (Canada)
- #MultipleSclerosis, #MS, #health
- National Hemochromatosis Awareness Month (Iron Overload) (Canada)
- #Hemochromatosis, #awareness, #iron, #toomuchiron
- National Pet Month (U.S.)
- #NationalPetMonth, #PawItForward, #pet, #pets
- National Physiotherapy Month (Canada)
- #physiotherapy, #physio, #massage, #physicaltherapy, #health, #Physiotherapist, #physiotherapyblog
- National Melanoma Skin Cancer Awareness Month (U.S.)
- #NationalSkinCancerAwarenessMonth, #skincancer, #melanoma, #Cancer, #sunscreen, #Skin, #health, #skincare, #sunsafety, #tanning, #dermatology, #wellness
- Ramadan from May 27th (Saturday) to June 25th (Sunday)
- #Ramadan, #Quran
- Speech and Hearing Awareness Month (Canada)
- #speechandhearing
- Vision Health Month (Canada)
- #VisionHealthMonth, #optometry, #visionhealth, #eyehealth, #vision, #eyes, #eyecare, #visionimprovement, #visionhealing, #visioncorrection, #ThinAboutYourEyes, #Healthcare, #eyes4life, #awareness
Special Weeks in May:
- Mental Health Week from May 1st to May 7th
- #MentalHealthWeek, #GETLOUD, #mentalhealth, #SwitchOnTheLight, #mentalillness, #depression, #BreakTheSilence, #stigma
- National Nursing Week from May 6th to May 12th
- #NationalNursingWeek, #thanknurse, #Nurse, #Registered, #Nursing, #RN, #medical, #Healthcare
- National Hospice Palliative Care Week from May 7th to May 13th
- #hospice, #palliative, #Care, #palliativecare, #Nursing, #Healthcare, #charity
- National Postcard Week (U.S.) from May 7th to May 13th
- #postcard, #art, #vintage, #travel
- National Pet Week (U.S.) from May 7th to May 13th
- #NationalPetWeek, #pet, #pets, #Adopt, #TheSecretLifeOfPets, #animallover, #furbaby
- North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week from May 7th to May 13th
- #occupationalhealth, #safety, #NAOSH, #workplacesafety, #workforce, #MakeSafetyAHabit
- Naturopathic Medicine Week (British Columbia Naturopathic Association) from May 8th to May 14th
- #NatMedWeek, #naturopathicmedicine, #health, #naturopathic, #wellness, #naturopathy, #medicine, #prevention, #nutrition
- International Coaching Week (ICW) (International Coaching Federation) from May 15th to May 21st
- #InternationalCoachingWeek, #ICF, #coaches, #coachescafe, #coachingworks, #coaching, #mentoring, #digdeep, #leadership, #lifecoaching, #executivecoaching, #businesscoaching
- National Police Week (U.S.) from May 17th to May 20th
- #NationalPoliceWeek, #EMS, #Thankyouforhelpingothers, #thankful, #BlueLivesMatter, #PoliceLivesMatter, #police, #PoliceWeek, #ThinBlueLine, #NeverForget, #law enforcement
- ChorFest (BC Choral Federation) in Victoria, BC from May 19th to May 21st
- #choral, #music, #choir, #singing, #composers, #concert
- National EMS Week (Emergency Medical Services) from May 21st to May 27th
- #NationalEMSWeek, #EMS, #volunteers, #Thankyouforhelpingothers, #thankful, #Paramedic, #NationalPoliceWeek
- Bike to Work Week BC from May 29th to June 4th
- #BikeToWorkWeek, #BikeMonth, #BTWW, #BiketoWorkDay, #cycling, #smartTRIPS
Special Days in May:
- Executive Coaching Day on May 1st (Monday)
- #executivecoaching, #InternationalCoachingWeek, #ICF, #coaches, #coachescafe, #coachingworks, #coaching, #mentoring, #digdeep, #leadership, #lifecoaching, #businesscoaching
- Melanoma Monday on May 1st (Monday)
- #MelanomaMonday, #skincancer, #melanoma, #HealthTalk, #ChooseSkinHealth, #sunscreen, #skincare, #Skin, #melanomaawareness, #Cancer
- World Asthma Day on May 2nd (Tuesday)
- #WorldAsthmaDay, #asthma, #breathtakingmoments, #AsthmaAwareness, #TakeItSeriously, #BreatheForACause, #Right2Breathe, #WAD
- World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd (Wednesday)
- #WorldPressFreedomDay, #media, #pressfreedom, #WPFD2017
- May the Fourth Be With You Day (National Star Wars Day) on May 4th (Thursday)
- #MayThe4thBeWithYou, #StarWarsDay, #StarWars, #HappyStarWarsDay, #MayThe4th
- National Day of Prayer (U.S.) on May 4th (Thursday)
- #NationalDayofPrayer, #Prayer, #pray
- National Orange Juice Day on May 4th (Thursday)
- #NationalOrangeJuiceDay, #orangejuice, #OJ, #breakfast, #healthy
- Cinco de Mayo on May 5th (Friday)
- #CincoDeMayo, #Mexico
- Space Day on May 5th (Friday)
- #SpaceDay, #CosmicAddress
- STOP! Clean Your Hands Day (WHO’s global annual call to action for health workers) on May 5th (Friday)
- #pledgecleanhands, #handhygiene, #cleanhands, #safehands
- World Pulmonary Hypertension Day on May 5th (Friday)
- #WorldPHDay, #WPHD #sometimesitsph, #PulmonaryHypertension, #PHAware, #Pulmonary, #PHAssociation
- International No Diet Day on May 6th (Saturday)
- #InternationalNoDietDay, #NoDietDay, #nodiet, #losehatenotweight, #treatyoself, #INDD, #wellness
- National Nurses Day on May 6th (Saturday)
- #InternationalNursesDay, #nurses, #thankanurse, #NursesDay, #FlorenceNightingale
- Join Hands Day (dedicated to bringing a union between the older & younger generations) on May 6th (Saturday)
- #JoinHandsDay, #Oldandyoung
- National Tourist Appreciation Day (U.S.) on May 6th (Saturday)
- #tourist, #travel, #tourism, #vacation, #holiday, #trip, #traveling, #wanderlust
- World Labyrinth Day on May 6th (Saturday)
- #WorldLabyrinthDay, #meditate, #Labyrinths, #healing, #breatheringoldlight
- Walk So Kids Can Talk (event for Kids Help Phone) on May 7th (Sunday)
- #WalkSoKidsCanTalk, #KidsHelpPhone, #BeAHero, #KidsHelpPhoneWalk
- White Lotus Day (encouraging meditation) on May 8th (Monday)
- #WhiteLotus, #Lotus, #flower, #meditation, #yoga, #esotericism, #healing, #SpiritualWellness, #spirit, #enlightenment, #spirituality, #love, #spiritual, #peace, #awakening, #happiness, #zen, #mindfulness
- World Red Cross Day on May 8th (Monday)
- #WorldRedCrossDay, #RedCross, #thanks
- World Lupus Day on May 10th (Wednesday)
- #WorldLupusDay, #LupusAwarenessMonth, #lupus, #LupusAwareness, #HighFive4Lupus, #KnowLupus, #giveback, #imalupussufferer
- Mother’s Day on May 14th (Sunday)
- #MothersDay, #mothers, #gift, #women, #handmade
- International Awareness Day for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity on May 12th (Friday)
- #awareness, #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis, #MECFS, #MyalgicE, #me, #MyE, #fibromyalgia, #chronicpain, #fibro, #chronicillness, #health, #multiplechemicalsensitivity, #allergies, #Perfume, #scentfree, #MCS
- International Hummus Day on May 13th (Saturday)
- #InternationalHummusDay, #hummus, #hummusday, #yum, #vegetarian, #vegan, #recipesoftheday, #recipe
- International Migratory Bird Day on May 13th (Saturday)
- #InternationalMigratoryBirdDay, #WhyBirdsMatter, #IMBD, #BirdDay, #stripygoose
- National Babysitters’ Day (U.S.) on May 13th (Saturday)
- #babysitters, #babysitting, #babysitter
- Peace Officers Memorial Day (U.S.) on May 15th (Monday)
- #PeaceOfficersMemorialDay, #PoliceWeek, #ultimatesacrafice, #PoliceHeroes
- Colour Days!!! Turquoise/Teal Day (let this colour inspire you throughout the day) (public Facebook Group) on May 17th (Wednesday)
- #colordays, #colors, #colorful, #Turquoise, #blue, #teal
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia on May 17th (Wednesday)
- #InternationalDayAgainstHomophobia, #LGBTQ, #LGBT, #AllLivesMatter, #love, #WeAreOne, #education
- World Hypertension Day on May 17th (Wednesday)
- #WorldHypertensionDay, #KnowYourNumbers, #bloodpressure, #hypertension, #highbloodpressure, #stroke, #WellnessWednesday
- International Museum Day on May 18th (Thursday)
- #InternationalMuseumDay, #MuseumDay, #museum, #ArtMuseumDay, #art, #history, #free
- Vyshyvanka Day or Ukrainian Embroidery Day (Ukraine) on May 18th (Thursday)
- #VyshyvankkaDay, #Ukraine, #Vyshyvanka, #Kyiv, #Ukrainian
- National Learn to Swim Day on May 20th (Saturday)
- #LearnToSwimDay, #swimislife, #learntoswim, #swimming, #watersafety, #safety, #swimminglessons, #swim, #lifeskills
- World Autoimmune Arthritis Day on May 20th (Saturday)
- #WorldAutoimmuneArthritisDay, #arthritis
- World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on May 21st (Sunday)
- #WorldDayforCulturalDiversity, #culturaldiversity, #dialogue, #culture, #language, #appreciate
- Victoria Day on May 22nd (Monday)
- #VictoriaDay, #longweekend, #fireworks, #Canada, #BBQ, #QueenVictoria
- Towel Day on May 25th (Thursday), a tribute to the late author Douglas Adams (1952-2001)
- #towelday, #TowelDay, #DouglasAdams
- Geek Pride Day on May 25th (Thursday)
- #GeekPrideDay
- Sun Screen Day on May 27th (Saturday)
- #SunscreenDay, #sunscreen, #summer, #spf30, #skincancer
- Amnesty International Day on May 28th (Sunday)
- #AmnestyInternationalDay, #AmnestyInternational, #news, #humanrights, #URGENT, #UN
- National Multiple Births Awareness Day on May 28th (Sunday)
- #multiplebirths, #twins, #pregnant, #OBGYN, #DueTime
- Memorial Day (U.S.) May 29th (Monday)
- #MemorialDayWeekend, #longweekend
- World No-Tobacco Day on May 31st (Wednesday)
- #WorldNoTobaccoDay, #smoking, #tobacco, #SayNoToTobacco, #NoTobacco, #quitsmoking, #BreakTheStick
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