by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach
Initially, when I heard that gas prices in Victoria, BC were going up to $1.619/Litre for regular gas ($4.61 US Gallon), I was angry. It’s crazy how expensive it is to fill up a car these days.

I suspect the jacked up gas prices are politically motivated — something to do with the pipeline from Alberta that BC is protesting.
From what I understand, the rest of Canada is paying 25-50 cents a Litre less than we are. Well, you have winter, we have high gas prices. Take your pick.
Regardless of the reason behind the gas price spike, (1.539 sounds like a bargain now) this is actually a great opportunity for all of us to go even more Green and do what we can to drive our cars more mindfully.
We can’t afford to waste this precious natural resource and until we figure out a way to get around without burning fossil fuels, we all need to drive our cars less.
Look at what people did back in the 1970’s when there was a huge gas shortage — cars got smaller, for one, and fuel efficiency became the buzz words for new car sales.
As a Wellness Coach, I’ve been brainstorming some ideas on how to save gas, save money, and be Greener in this uncertain Canadian climate.
20 Ways to Save Money on Gas for your Car
- Keep to a gas budget. I’ve started at $35/week which is $5/day. If you spend the same amount every week, then the fluctuating gas prices per Litre won’t bother you as much.
- If $35/week doesn’t seem like enough for you to get around, think about where you can cut back on your driving before raising your budget.
- Instead of driving your car, consider alternative transportation — taking the bus, or riding a bike, or walking on your two feet can get you from A to B too!
- Make sure your car is being maintained regularly. I had the oil changed in my car today and I got new tires last autumn. Tire pressure and clean air filters also help with fuel economy.
- Don’t carry any unnecessary weight in your car and try to distribute the weight you’re carrying evenly across the whole vehicle.
- Don’t let your gas levels go below 1/4 of a tank. Riding the line is not good for your engine.
- A cool Litre will go further than a warm Litre so try to refill your gas tank first thing in the morning when your tank is cool. This will give you more bang for your buck because as the gas warms up, it gets thinner and more volatile, which decreases it’s shelf life and you’ll end up paying more for less.
- Same goes for the gas station. Don’t fill up just after their tank trucks have left the station or in the middle of the afternoon after a lot of traffic has come and gone. All of the gas will have been stirred up and will be more diluted with air.
- If you’re running errands, try to turn 4 trips into 3 trips. The less often you start your car, the longer your gas fill-up will last.
- If you and your neighbours are heading to the same place, why not suggest a carpool?
- Keep to the posted speed limits. Excessive speeding burns more gas faster.
- Don’t accelerate too quickly.
- Don’t idle in one spot for too long.
- Don’t ride your breaks — nobody likes a tailgater!
- Pay attention to weather conditions, road conditions, and road construction sites. If you don’t need to travel, don’t.
- Use air conditioning instead of rolling down your windows because nowadays, the A/C will create less drag for the vehicle than wind from your open windows.
- Don’t pay for fuel by credit card because you can potentially be paying interest on that $50 purchase for years. That will make the already expensive fuel price that much worse! Of course, if you collect air miles and don’t keep a running balance on your credit cards and pay off your cards each month, this one doesn’t apply to you.
- Just like you’ll find seat sales and better deals on flights on Tuesdays, buy your gas for your car on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. Prices often go up on Wednesdays to Saturdays, but stay lower during the first part of the week.
- Consider driving a Green Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
- Join a gas co-op if there’s one available in your area. We have one here on the Island and each December, I get a nice rebate cheque!
At the end of the day, be grateful! Not everyone has access to a car, a valid driver’s licence, car insurance, money to spend, and decent roads to drive on. In many cultures, having a car means freedom, so enjoy the ride!
And instead of getting angry about gas prices that are out of our control, get creative and resourceful! Do you have any ideas to add to the list? Please share them with us in the comments.
Crystal Mapping Sessions
Would you like to have some spiritual guidance on this topic? Consider signing up for a Free Crystal Mapping Session with Spa Therapist and Wellness Coach, Maria Koropecky. Email Maria to book your free Crystal Mapping Session today!