
by Maria Koropecky, Spiritual Wellness Coach

Of course I noticed the burnt orange Ferrari in the grocery store parking lot in the midst of all of the pick-up trucks and SUV’s and shopping carts on that sunny, Friday afternoon!

When I see something extraordinary in my day to day life, like a $250,000 sports car, I like to wonder about the people involved and what their lives might be like.

man driving in sports car interior.

This time though, not only did I see the car, but I also got a chance to see the driver/owner before he went into the store. He was an older gentleman and he caught my attention because after he parked his car, he got out and spent a good few minutes just admiring his car from all angles, like he was really pleased with his purchase and the aesthetics of the vehicle.

This observation got me thinking.

If I owned a Ferrari, I’d do my best to take really good care of it!

  • I’d wash the outside of the car weekly;
  • I’d keep the inside clean (no trash and junk cluttering up the space);
  • I’d keep the inside smelling nice like a new car (no junk food leftovers or cigarette butts or old gym bags);
  • I’d put high performance fuel into the tank and would keep it filled well above empty;
  • I’d bring my car to my mechanic for regular maintenance;
  • I wouldn’t drive recklessly (no drunk driving, no distracted driving, no texting while driving, no road rage, no show-off speeding, no stupid stunts);
  • I wouldn’t go into sketchy neighbourhoods;
  • I wouldn’t let strangers drive it; and
  • I also wouldn’t keep my car up on blocks under a tarp hidden in a garage somewhere and only take it out on special occasions, if ever.

And then it occurred to me. Although I don’t own a Ferrari, I have something far more precious and valuable! Something you can’t put a price tag on and it’s not about a status symbol or how much money I make an hour or what my life insurance policy says I’m worth.

I have a unique, special, and a one-of-a-kind, never to be repeated in the history of the Universe, BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT! — I HAVE MY LIFE!

Being alive, right now, is really extraordinary in the grande scheme of things!

I decided in that moment that I was going to be more mindful about how I treat myself and to honour my own existence. I can’t take my life for granted and that’s why I’m so passionate about self-care.

Just like the Ferrari, it’s important for me to cherish myself and do nice things like:

  • being well-groomed and doing an occasional spa treatment;
  • keeping my space clean, organized, and tidy;
  • fuelling my body with nutritious food (and avoiding toxic or poisonous substances);
  • going to see my doctor for regular check-ups;
  • not venturing into potentially dangerous situations;
  • not letting other people speak or think for me because I’m in the driver’s seat of my own life;
  • and not keeping myself as the best kept secret and never going out and enjoying new experiences!

Most of us aren’t going to be high-performance, Olympic athletes like a Ferrari but it’s still really important to practice self-care as if we are the most precious beings in the Universe, because we are — we all are!

Spiritual Guidance Available

Would you like to have some spiritual guidance on this topic? Consider signing up for a Free Crystal Mapping Session with Spa Therapist and Spiritual Wellness Coach, Maria Koropecky. Subscribe to this Ammolite Wellness Coaching blog and book your free Crystal Mapping Session today.

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