by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach I coach Green Leaders on living the life that lights them up! You may be wondering what I mean by Green Leaders. Well, to me Green Leaders have heart and interestingly enough, the colour associated with the Heart Chakra, is Emerald Green! Our Green Intelligence is about our compassion and …
meaning of life
Here’s What I Have to Offer as a Wellness Professional
Dear Friends, Customers, and Clients: I hope this blog post finds you well. I’m writing to let you know about what’s going on at Ammolite Wellness Coaching and my other wellness businesses these days. I feel like things are finally coming together and the foundation for what I lovingly call, my wellness empire, is in place. I’m …
Intro to my #BeTheChange Almanac of Health & Wellness Awareness Days
by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, after all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all, ~ Leo C. Rosten (1908-1977) Funny how things show …