by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach
My question to all of you is, if you had a free day with no appointments or responsibilities, what would you do?

Think about it: a day without errands, or housecleaning, or meetings, or deadlines, or to-do lists. Just a day to yourself — a blank slate with no agenda.
Would you sleep in and stay in your pyjamas all day? Would you go to the movies and see a matinee? Would you go on a road trip? Would you invite someone to join you?
I recently had the opportunity to answer this question for myself. After looking at my next day’s schedule, I realized there was nothing on the books. The appointments that had been scheduled had been postponed and my usual pressing tasks could wait a day.
Having some free time where I could do whatever I wanted all day was a rare opportunity indeed. I had a whole day to myself in the middle of the week ahead of me and I didn’t want to waste it.
I felt it was a delicious topic for my coaching session with my life coach and as it turned out, having a fun and creative play date became my Imagined Future.
From the coaching, I discovered that I wanted to let my intuition guide me in this play date. Putting my intuition first was very important to me. I wanted the day to unfold naturally.
Although I wasn’t sure what I’d end up doing, I remember saying, ‘maybe I’ll meet someone or see some wildlife.’
Well, I had an amazing day!

After breakfast, I grabbed my camera and got into my car. My intuition told me to go to Island View Beach instead of Dallas Road or Gyros Park.
Within 10 minutes of arriving, I bumped into someone I used to work with 12 years ago so that took care of the meeting someone. I knew at that point that my intuition lead me in the right direction.
We had had a major wind storm earlier in the week and with the impeding full moon and changing tides, I knew I’d find some lovely rocks on the beach.
Anyway, here’s the photo of the rocks I collected.

This black and white spotted ones could be Dalmationite (named after the playful puppies) and once I brought my rocks home and took a closer look at the rock in the photo below, I noticed some Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) twinkling in the sunlight, which was a delightful surprise!

There were so many beautiful rocks on the beach. Each was beautiful and unique in its own way. I gathered all kinds of pretty rocks as I worked my way up the beach.
Then when I finally looked up, I saw a pair of seagulls playing in the surf. They kept on going back and forth to and from shore, literally singing as they drifted together, and they were having so much fun that some two ducks joined them. So I had a wildlife siting as well!

After my photoshoot with the birds, my fingertips started to get cold so I decided to go home.
From the rocks I collected, I made this art project. It’s a centrepiece for the dining room table.

All in all it was a full day. I lived my imagined future of having a fun and creative playdate and I’m grateful for my free day.