
Here’s a calendar of Wellness and Health Awareness Days and Weeks for the Month of January, 2017.

Here’s a link to the Intro for this blog post series, a.k.a the #BeTheChange Almanac.

Hopefully, these Awareness Days will inspire you to discover your life’s purpose and pitch in where you can.

Spread the awareness and share!

January is the Awareness Month for:

Alzheimer Awareness Month
#Alzheimers, #EndAlzheimers, #AlzhemiersAwareness, #dementia, #GoPurple

Birthflowers of the Month include: Carnation, Snowdrop 
#birthflower, #flower, #carnation, #snowdrop, #pink

Birthstones of the Month include: Emerald, Garnet, Rose Quartz
#birthstones, #crystals, #gemstone, #jewelery, #emerald, #Garnet, #RoseQuartz

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
#CervicalHealthAwarenessMonth, #PAP, #cervicalscreening, #cervicalcander, #NoFearGoSmearm #pregnancyhealth

Hot Tea Month (Tea Association of Canada)
#HotTeaMonth, #tealover, #tea, #staycozy, #teatime, #TeaProudly

Human Trafficking Awareness Month
#humantrafficking, #sextrafficking, #endslavery, #humanrights

National Bath Safety Month (U.S.)
#NationalBathSafetyMonth, #BathSafety, #BubbleBathDay

National Birth Defects Prevention Month
#healthypregnancy, #pregnancytips, #momtobe, #pregnancy, #healthybaby

National Blood Donor Month
#NationalBloodDonorMonth, #RedCross, #savelives, #donate, #giveblood, #RaiseYourSleeve

National Hobby Month (U.S.)

National Oatmeal Month (U.S.)
#NationalOatmealMonth, #OatmealMonth, #OAT, #oatmeal, #breakfast, #healthy, #FuelTheFireWithin, #Great4Kids

National Soup Month (U.S.)
#NationalSoupMonth, #winter, #healthy, #dinnertime, #lunchtime, #soup

Thyroid Awareness Month
#ThyroidAwarenessMonth, #thyroidgland, #thyroidcancer, #Otolaryngology

Walk Your Pet Month
#WalkYourPetMonth, #pet, #animallover, #walk, #TheSecretLifeOfPets, #furbaby

Special Weeks in January:

National Non-Smoking Week from January 15th to January 21st
#WeedlessWednesday, #quitsmoking, #stopsmoking, #smokefree, #health

Special Days in January:

New Year’s Day on January 1st (Sunday)
#HappyNewYear, #NewYear, #newyears, #NewYearsDay

Polar Bear Swim on January 1st (Sunday)
#polarbearswim, #brr, #HappyNewYear

World Braille Day on January 4th (Wednesday)
#WorldBrailleDay, #Braille

World Hypnotism Day on January 4th (Wednesday)
#HypnotismDay, #hypnosis, #hypnotize

Orthodox Christmas Day on January 7th (Saturday)

Bubble Bath Day on January 8th (Sunday)
#BubbleBathDay, #bubbles, #bubblebath, #bathtime, #relax

Clean Off Your Desk Day on January 9th (Monday)
#CleanOffYourDeskDay, #cleandesk, #workspace, #organize

Cut Your Energy Costs Day on January 10th (Tuesday)
#CutYourEnergyCostsDay, #energyefficiency

Human Trafficking Awareness Day on January 11th (Wednesday)
#humantrafficking, #sextrafficking, #endslavery, #humanrights

National Rubber Ducky Day (U.S.) on January 13th (Friday)
#NationalRubberDuckyDay, #RubberDuckyDay, #SesameStreet, #bathtime

Friday, the 13th, on Janaury 13th (Friday)
#FridayThe13th, #TGIF, #Friday

SHE Day (600 Women talk business and leadership in Winnipeg, MB) on January 13th (Friday)
#SHEday2017, #leadership, #business, #entrepreneur, #inspiration, #leadfromwithin, #marketing, #success, #womenleaders, #Winnipeg

National Dress Up Your Pet Day (U.S.) on January 14th (Saturday)
#DressUpYourPetDay, #pet, #animallover, #TheSecretLIfeOfPets, #furbaby

Orthodox New Year on January 14th (Saturday)
#OrthodoxNewYear, #OldNewYear, #NewYear

Hat Day on January 15th (Sunday)
#hat, #hatday, #hats, #selfie, #badhairday, #hatgame, #hattastic, #hatselfie, #WearAHatDay, #fun

Go to the Spa Day because it’s Blue Monday on January 16th (Monday)
#BlueMonday, #mondaymotivation, #spaday, #pampering, #spa, #relax, #massage, #facial, #beauty, #relaxation

Colour Days!!! Rainbow Day (let these colours inspire you throughout the day) (public Facebook Group) on January 17th (Tuesday)
#colordays, #colors, #colorful, #rainbow, #rainbowday

Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day on January 17th (Tuesday)
#NewYearsResolutions, #ditch

World Religion Day on January 17th (Tuesday)
#WorldReligionDay, #interfaith

Weedless Wednesday on January 18th (Wednesday)
#WeedlessWednesday, #quitsmoking, #stopsmoking, #smokefree, #health, #WellnessWednesday

National Popcorn Day (U.S.) on January 19th (Thursday)
#NationalPopcornDay, #popcorn

National Hugging Day on January 21st (Saturday)
#NationalHuggingDay, #NationalHugDay, #hug

National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day (U.S.) on January 22nd (Sunday)
#cats, #kitty, #kittens, #pets, #cute, #animallover, #meow, #TheSecretLifeOfPets, #furbaby, #purrfect

Change a Pet’s Life Day on January 24th (Tuesday)
#ChangeAPetsLifeDay, #FOSTER, #volunteer, #TheSecretLifeOfPets

Family Literacy Day on January 27th (Friday)
#FamilyLiteracyDay, #raiseareader, #literacy, #family

Chinese New Year Day of the Rooster Year on January 28th (Saturday)
#ChineseNewYear, #yearoftherooster

International Lego Day on January 28th (Saturday)
#LegoDay, #lego

Women’s Right to Vote in Canada 101st Anniversary on January 28th (Saturday)
#womensrighttovote, #womenleaders, #Canada, #worklifebalance

Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day on January 30th (Monday)
#BubbleWrapAppreciationDay, #pop, #whomakesthisstuffup

See you at the end of January for February’s Awareness Days!

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