
by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach

Is self-care selfish? No, no, it is not.

(Not) All about me.

Even though practicing self-care is not selfish, for some reason, many of us feel uncomfortable about putting ourselves first on our own list and taking the time to take care of ourselves.

We’ve got to turn this thinking around because at the end of the day, if we don’t nurture our own body, mind, and spirit, and take care of ourselves, like we would a child, a family pet, or a even a plant, we won’t have anything more to give to anyone else.

Self-Care vs. Selfishness

There’s a big difference in attitude between self-care and selfishness.

Self-care is about giving attention, kindness, and nourishment to yourself so you can be at peace with yourself and be fully present for the people you love.

Being selfish is about focusing solely on one’s own ego, interests, agenda, gains, and superiority without concern for anyone else’s needs or preferences.

Selfish people don’t think about giving to others. It just doesn’t occur to them.

But Don’t Give Too Much Either!

There are also people who want to give and are very generous — they’ll give the shirt off their back, so to speak, — but they don’t have enough for themselves.

Giving from a place of lack is also misguided. If you have an extra shirt and you’re not using it, than that’s one thing, share it with someone else if you want.

But if you only have one shirt and you give your one shirt to someone who already has a shirt, leaving yourself without any shirts, to face the elements without any cover, than there’s a problem.

If you’re scrambling and struggling while you’re trying to give to others, than you’re not being fair to yourself and eventually you’re going to burn out. And then what are you going to do?

Leaving yourself with some measly crumbs or with nothing at all is not what generosity and self-care are about. Sadly, people who are depleted give too much because they don’t feel like they’re enough.

I think abundance and scarcity are two sides of the same coin.
The opposite of scarcity is enough, or what I call wholeheartedness, vulnerability, and worthiness; facing uncertainty, exposure, and emotional risks; and knowing that I am enough,

~ Brené Brown

Say it with me: “I AM ENOUGH. I am enough and I am worthy – right here, right now… today… exactly as I am!

Use Fountains as Reminders & Give from Your Abundance!

"Never give from the depth of your well but from your overflow." Rumi

“Never give from the depths of your well but from your overflow.”

Mystical poet Rumi

Give from your abundance! I strongly agree!

Giving generously is at its best when it comes from your abundance, like from the interest in your bank account rather than from the principle. Never give the goose away!

If you have extra of anything, by all means, give it to someone who will appreciate it.

For example, everyone has an excess of hugs and smiles to give and I’m sure everyone has at least one talent that they can share with others.

Give your gifts freely and with joy. Give from a place of having enough and that you are enough already.

However, if you don’t have it to begin with, things like time, money, or energy, don’t try to scrape the bottom of the barrel and think you’re being helpful.

In other words, fountains can’t fount if there’s nothing for them to draw from.

My point is, we’ve got to fill up our own well and keep it overflowing and fill our own needs first before we can give to and help others.

That’s where self-care comes in. Taking care of ourselves keeps our wells topped up. (Notice how the words “wells” and “wellness” are related). 🙂

There’s a Crystal for that…

Rose Quartz & Rainbows.
Wearing Rose Quartz jewelry helps remind us that we’re loveable and worthy.

If you’ve seen my “Let the Crystal Light the Way” video, you’ll know that Rose Quartz is all about self-care and self-love.

I often see one my coaching clients wear her lovely rose quartz earrings when we meet! That’s a simple act of self-care that anyone can practice.

Wellness Coaching Services Available with Maria by Appointment

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the things you have to do and all of the people you feel you have to please, and you don’t have any time or energy left for yourself, I’d love to help you as a wellness coach.

I strongly believe that practicing self-care goes hand in hand with wellness coaching and it would be my honour to help you feel more loving towards yourself and others.

Wellness Coach Maria Koropecky Ammolite Wellness.

Please contact me today and let’s talk!

It’s time you put yourself first in your own life!

Crystal Mapping Sessions

Would you like to have some spiritual guidance on this topic? Consider signing up for a Crystal Mapping Session with Spa Therapist and Wellness Coach, Maria Koropecky. Email Maria to book your Crystal Mapping Session today!

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