by Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach
Because April is National Stress Awareness Month, I thought I’d talk about stress.
Most people report that they experience varying degrees of the following symptoms of stress:

- Headaches / Migraines
- Muscle Tightness/ Back Ache/ Stiff Neck
- Insomnia or Sleeping Too Much
- Sleep is Disturbed or Unrefreshing / Nightmares
- Lack of Concentration / Fatigue / Lethargy
- Proneness to Errors
- Acne Breakouts
- Nail Biting / Hair Chewing
- Significant Hair Loss
- Depression / Anxiety
- Anger / Resentment
- On the Verge of Crying / Can’t Stop Crying
- Confusion / Memory Loss
- Desire to “Run Away”
- Chain Cigarette Smoking
- Drinking too much Alcohol / Drinking Alone / Abusing Drugs
- Poor Judgement
- Menstrual Irregularities
- Overeating / Under-eating
- Diarrhea / Constipation / Nausea
- Rapid Weight Gain / Weight Loss
- Swearing / Irritability / Impatience
- Feeling Overwhelmed
- No Sense of Enjoyment / No Sense of Humour
- Problems in Relationships
- Over-Indulging
- Reckless Behaviour
- Often Get a Cold / the Flu / Allergies
- Accident Proneness / Clumsiness
Not surprising.
I’m noticing that most people, including me, tolerate their stress symptoms and keep going as if “not feeling great” is normal. It’s like we’re used to our headaches and sleepless nights and allergies and tense relationships and irritability and however else stress shows up for us. It’s just the same old, same old stress everyday.
I believe high levels of stress are lurking behind the scenes of many, if not all, illnesses, and chronic stress can lead to illness and disease.
The good news is, relaxation is the antidote to stress and practicing self-care is a big part of living a healthy lifestyle.
We can all make small lifestyle changes today – like quitting smoking, exercising more, fueling the body with more nutritious food, getting regular massages, establishing healthy sleep habits, speaking our truth, and working with a wellness coach – that will save everyone tremendous expense and suffering and can prevent chronic illnesses from showing up in the first place.
If you’re noticing how stress is affecting your own health and you want to do something about it before it gets any worse, please email me, Maria. I might be able to help you.
As a coach, healer, and author, I show people who are struggling with stress, how to relax and have peace of mind and I’d be happy to be of service to you. We have options!
Consider Hiring Me As Your Wellness Coach
Coaching allows us to become the best version of ourselves. It’s also a safe place for people to express themselves which is highly restorative.
Expressing your feelings out loud to a coach can help you attain catharsis and release.
“When you air your feelings, you lessen their pent-up energy. It’s like releasing air from a too-full balloon. Discussing your feelings gives you insights into the reasons for your upset, and can trigger epiphanies about solutions,”
~ Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue, Angels of Abundance.
The above quote sums up the beauty of coaching in a nutshell.
With my thoughtful questions and active listening skills, I’ll help you, either in a group or one to one,
- get clarity about where you’re heading,
- uncover what matters most to you so you focus more on your goals and not distractions,
- clear out the blocks that may be in the way,
- get to a place of acceptance,
- become more self-aware,
- trust your intuition, and
- take action steps,
- so you feel OK, safe, enough, and above all, empowered to move forward.
Ultimately, I will deliver results including peace of mind.
Let me know by email if you’d like to release your stress. Ask me about booking your complimentary *Release Your Stress* Coaching Session and Consultation Appointment today!
I’m open to hearing from you. Please email me. Let’s work together to take stress out of your future.