by Maria Koropecky, Spiritual Wellness Coach
I’m going to start off by saying Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you’re enjoying this time with your family and friends and you’re tasting all of your favourite treats like turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pie and all of the fixins’ that come with this special holiday.
I’m sharing this day with family-friends and I’m counting my blessings. I have so much to be grateful for in my life! It’s always nice when people invite me over and serve delicious food made with love.
Most of us (especially polite Canadians! 🙂 ) are taught to say “thank you” after we receive something and that’s great. It’s an acknowledgement of an energy exchange.
Usually, the order is:
- Someone gives something to you or does something nice for you; and
- You receive it; and
- You say, “Thanks!”
But today I want to turn that order on it’s head and suggest saying “thank you” first!
When we say thank you and are grateful for what we have, it means our needs are being met and therefore, there’s no need to fill anymore. Everything is taken care of and it’s a wonderful position to be in.
Sometimes, though, the things we most need and want seem to be missing. So, the question is: How do we create what we want to have and bring the good things in?
The answer is gratitude! Gratitude is the secret sauce when it comes to having what we want in life!
I’ve been studying the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and he says, “Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivorship.”
The idea is, be grateful first, as if you already have what you’re asking for, and then you’ll receive it.
I know at first glance that what I’m talking about seems to put the cart in front of the horse and it may even sound like a downright lie. But I promise, once you get the balance right, it’s quite elegant!
Gratitude Spectrum
There’s a sweet spot on the gratitude spectrum that will make asking for what you want and receiving all kinds of gifts and blessings way easier.
On the one end of the spectrum, when you’re asking someone for something (like your parents, spouse, boss, or the Universe) you may be crossing your fingers and hoping and praying and saying, “please, please, please!”
Unfortunately, pleading is not a sustainable or optimal method of manifestation. Sure it works sometimes because people may feel sorry for you, but pulling at people’s strings comes across as really desperate and needy and weak and will more than likely turn people off. It’s also quite manipulative.
As Dr. Joe said in one of his interviews, “hope is a beggar.”
And then on the other end of the spectrum, declaring what you want in no uncertain terms is also a misguided approach. It’s a “Give this to me or else!” expectation. It brings to mind robbing someone at gunpoint and making a demand and scaring the daylights out of people in the process.
Using force comes from a place of fear and hostility and never ends well. And ultimately, being overly demanding never includes gratitude.
Gratitude is the sweet spot
As it turns out, gratitude is the sweet spot between begging and demanding! Gratitude is the secret sauce when it comes to allowing and receiving the good things in life!
Do you know why? Because gratitude is a giving energy! It’s generous and it creates a space for things to happen.
Gratitude is giving thanks that we already have what we’re asking for. Gratitude is coming from a place of faith and trust that what we want and need are already in our magnetic field and are on their way to us and it’s just a matter of time before they show up in physical form.
I know that when I finally receive something I’ve needed, I feel a sense of relief on top of the gratitude. When I feel relief and gratitude, I can relax and know that things are going to work out and I’m OK. Isn’t that way better than worrying and doubting and feeling fear?
Try this next time:
- Say thank you and be grateful for what you want to have, do, be, or give;
- In your imagination, see yourself having what you want and feel what it would be like to have what you want; and
- Receive and have and enjoy what you want!
So the next time you’d like to create something in your life, say over and over again, “I’m so happy and grateful and relieved now that I have….” (especially before you start seeing any evidence that what you’re doing is working) and really feel deep in your heart what it would be like to have what it is you’re asking for and really honestly, sincerely, and authentically, feel grateful in the present moment for everyone and everything that you can think of, including what you want to create.
It’s an amazing feeling!
As you can see, there’s no need to beg, borrow, or steal in our abundant Universe. There’s more than enough for everybody and it all starts with gratitude!
Thank you!
Spiritual Guidance Available
Would you like to have some spiritual guidance on this topic? Consider signing up for a Free Crystal Mapping Session with Spa Therapist and Spiritual Wellness Coach, Maria Koropecky. Subscribe to this Ammolite Wellness Coaching blog and book your free Crystal Mapping Session today.