By Maria Koropecky, Wellness Coach

Did you know Eckhart Tolle mentions crystals in his best-selling book, “A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” (2005)?

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.
Join me in a conversation about A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

If you had asked me before I started re-reading this ground-breaking gem, I would have answered, “no, I didn’t know” but I was delighted to read about his appreciation for the mineral kingdom in the opening pages.

There’s more to crystals and flowers and people than meets the eye and I’m inviting you to dig a little deeper and tune into the essence of all beings. By becoming present to the here and now, a whole new world will unfold and new possibilities will emerge — which is super amazing! — and crystals, among all natural treasures, can help open those doors!

The old me would have skimmed over these particular paragraphs but the new me, the more present and conscious me, gets the beautiful connection.

Of course!

In Chapter 1, “The Flowering of Human Consciousness,” Eckhart introduces us to the heart of his book as he describes a moment of transcendent transformation, the day flowers first blossomed on Earth,

“One day, however, a critical threshold was reached, and suddenly there would have been an explosion of color and scent all over the planet.”A New Earth, page 1

That “critical threshold” is related to the “evolutionary leap” that people experience when they finally let go of their ego and pain body and live from their essence, their true and authentic self.

Remember the expression, “Stop and smell the roses?”

Stopping to smell the roses at Butchart Gardens.
Stopping to smell the roses at Butchart Gardens.

Flowers have always been inviting us to relax, be present, and appreciate the beauty of life, and when we actually take a moment to pause, be still, and focus on the wonder of the present moment, peace emerges.

“Once there is a certain degree of Presence, of still and alert attention in human beings’ perceptions, they can sense the divine life essence, the one indwelling consciousness or spirit in every creature, every life-form, recognize it as one with their own essence and so love it as themselves.”A New Earth, page 4

Loving the essence. That was the clincher for me. That’s why I recently started re-reading a New Earth. I heard Eckhart explain this concept of divine life essence to Oprah on a recent SuperSoul Sunday. When Jesus said “Love your neighbour as yourself,” He wasn’t talking about loving people’s egos. Jesus was talking about seeing past the ego (which is just a costume), and loving someone’s essence, and loving your own essence, and recognizing how the essence of our beings are all connected as One in this great, big, living sea.

Oh, to live from my essence!

Ammolite Wellness Coaching.When I think of essence, I like to picture a pilot light, if that helps. From what I understand, when someone says, “Namaste” they are saying, “The divine in me bows to the divine in you.” In other words, the essence in me recognizes the essence in you. Essence is what you see when you look deep into someone’s eyes.

Isn’t that much better than dealing with someone’s ego? 🙂 Just remember that the next time someone annoys you.

The ethereal nature of flowers remind us about our true essence.

“…flowers would become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerged, would become like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless…”A New Earth, pages 2-3

By the way, this way of being, is available to us humans and we can be like messengers as well.

What Eckhart Tolle says about Crystals in a New Earth.
Community garden in James Bay.


Eckhart continues to say, the flowers

“not only had a scent that was delicate and pleasing to humans, but also brought a fragrance from the realm of spirit. Using the word “enlightenment” in a wider sense than the conventionally accepted one, we could look upon flowers as the enlightenment of plants.”A New Earth, page 3

And flowers are just the beginning! Crystals are here, too!

“Since time immemorial, flowers, crystals, precious stones, and birds have held special significance for the human spirit.”A New Earth, pages 3-4

We as humans have been fascinated with crystals since pre-historic times. When the Greeks travelled and found dazzling quartz crystals in the Alps, they believed these beauties were actually a form of frozen water that would never thaw. They named them, “krystallos,” which means “ice.”

Hubbard Glacier 2012.
Hubbard Glacier, June 2012.

“The haunting beauty of the mineral kingdom is irresistible, so it’s no wonder that the human race has a long history of wearing and working with crystals. Historians and archaeologists have traced the use of crystals in healing and beauty rituals back to the earliest civilizations. And no wonder: They magnify personal and planetary vibrational energy. Our ancestors used crystals as mystical tools, energy generators, communication enhancers, and medical instruments. Archaeological digs show their use as talismans of good fortune and protection; as well as amulets, jewelry, and magnificent home showpieces.” ~ Excerpt from Crystal Therapy, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., & Judith Lukomski.

Perhaps you also have a fascination for rocks and minerals:

* Do you collect rocks and seashells whenever you go to the beach?

* Do you have fond memories of rocks and stones from your childhood?

* Do you have a piece of jewelry that has a special meaning for you?

* Do you by chance have a Himalayan Salt Lamp?

The Art of Contemplation

The next time you come across a crystal, sit with it and contemplate. Appreciate the stone without trying to own it. See past its outer form and tune into its inner essence. Let the crystal help you expand your awareness. Like a flower, it just might be a bridge on your journey of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

“So when you are alert and contemplate a flower, crystal, or bird without naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you into the formless. There is an inner opening, however slight, into the realm of spirit.”A New Earth, page 5

What Eckhart Tolle says about crystals in a New Earth.
What Eckhart Tolle says about crystals in a New Earth.

Tuning into a crystal is not a crystal reading in the sense of fortune-telling. Once your ego is out of the way, it’s more about how the crystals reveal wisdom and a sense of calmness, through timeless intuition.

“In the case of a flower, a crystal, precious stone, or bird, however, even someone with little or no Presence can occasionally sense that there is more there than the mere physical existence of that form, without knowing that this is the reason why he or she is drawn toward it, feels an affinity with it.”A New Earth, page 4

Is Enlightenment Possible?

“Any life-form in any realm – mineral, vegetable, animal, or human – can be said to undergo “enlightenment.””A New Earth, page 3

But Eckhart asks,

“What could be heavier and more impenetrable than a rock, the densest of all forms?”A New Earth, page 3

What Eckhart Tolle says about crystals in a New Earth.
I love collecting rocks on the beach.

Yet, even rocks can lighten up and transcend their nature!

“And yet some rocks undergo a change in their molecular structure, turn into crystals, and so become transparent to the light. Some carbons, under inconceivable heat and pressure, turn into diamonds, and some heavy minerals into other precious stones.”A New Earth, page 3

In each case, enlightenment requires,

“a discontinuity in its development, a leap to an entirely different level of being and, most important, a lessening of materiality.”A New Earth, page 3

Enlightenment is just a matter of shedding the dark and heavy density (the materiality, including the ego) and moving towards lightness.

What Eckhart Tolle says about Crystals in a New Earth.
Red leaves in the sunlight remind me of Enlightenment.

Ultimately, that’s how the Universe works!

We live in a dynamic universe and everything is always moving from formless to form to formless and from slow to fast, density to space, heavy to light, and from dark to light, through the ever expanding cycle of:

1) Creation * Birth * Beginning -> …

2) Maintenance * Middle * Preservation -> …

3) Destruction * Expiration * Ending -> …

4) Transformation * Resurrection * Transcendence * Critical Threshold * Evolutionary Leap -> …

1) Rebirth * New Beginning (on a whole new level) * A New Earth! -> …

And on and on it goes from one age to the next. You can see this spiraling cycle of life as it’s constantly moving toward enlightenment, playing out everywhere! There are no beginnings and no endings and because everything is always moving and changing, there’s no sense in identifying with or being attached to any of it. The ego has nothing to cling to and so it dissolves, creating space for the present moment to arise. This is true, happy-go-lucky freedom.

So, yes, enlightenment is within reach and as we’ve seen with flowers and rocks, it’s part of the natural progression of the Universe!

Are you ready?

“Can human beings lose the density of their conditioned mind structures and become like crystals or precious stones, so to speak, transparent to the light of consciousness?” ~ A New Earth, page 5

We seem to have reached a time where more and more people are starting to awaken.

“What can you do, if anything, to bring about or accelerate this inner shift?”A New Earth, page 6

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, at the beginning, somewhere in the middle, or at your tipping point, and if you’re reading, have read, or would like to read, A New Earth, and want to talk about your insights and ideas with someone who is open and present and a good listener, please feel free to contact me, Maria. I’d love to connect with your essence.

And if there’s enough interest, maybe we can start a book club!

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